Introduction to Web Components

Web components are a set of web platform APIs that allow you to create new custom, reusable, encapsulated HTML tags to use in web pages and web apps.

Key Features of Web Components:

  • Custom Elements: Allow developers to create new HTML tags, extend existing HTML tags, or extend other developers' tags.

  • Shadow DOM: Provides encapsulation for JavaScript, CSS, and templating in a Web Component. It keeps the component's internal structure separate from the main document's DOM.

  • HTML Templates: The <template> and <slot> elements enable you to write markup templates that are not displayed in the rendered page but can be used to define the structure of a custom element.

Benefits of Web Components:

  • Reusability: Create components once and use them across different projects.
  • Encapsulation: The internal workings of a component are hidden, reducing style and script conflicts.
  • Standard-based: Built on web standards, ensuring better compatibility and longevity.
  • Framework-agnostic: Can be used with any JavaScript library or framework that works with HTML.