Attributes and Properties

Element Attributes

HTML elements can have attributes, like id, class, src, etc. You can work with these in JavaScript:

  • Check if an attribute exists:

  • Get the value of an attribute:

  • Set the value of an attribute:

    element.setAttribute('attributeName', 'value')
  • Remove an attribute:


Element Properties

Most HTML attributes have corresponding JavaScript properties. For example, the id attribute corresponds to the id property:

let div = document.querySelector('div');
console.log(;  // Reads the 'id' attribute = 'new-id';    // Sets the 'id' attribute

Document Structure and Content

You can access key parts of the document easily:

  • document.documentElement: The <html> tag
  • document.body: The <body> tag
  • document.head: The <head> tag
console.log(document.body.tagName);  // "BODY"