CSS Selectors

Selectors target the HTML elements on your pages. They allow you to add styles based on their ID, class, type, attribute.

Types of selectors:

  • Simple Selectors
    • Element Selector
    • Id Selector
    • Class Selector
  • Universal Selector
  • Group Selector
  • Attribute Selector
  • Pseudo-Class Selector
  • Pseudo-Element Selector

Simple Selectors

Element Selector

Selects HTML elements based on their tag names.

Id Selector

Targets an HTML element with a specific id attribute.

Class Selector

Selects elements with a particular class attribute.

/* element selector */
p {
    color: blue;

/* id selector */
#container {
    color: red;

/* class selector */
.intro {
    color: green;

Universal Selector:

Used to select all the elements in an HTML document. It will be applied to each and every HTML element on the page

/* universal selector */
* {
    color: purple;

Group Selector:

It is used to style all comma-separated elements with the same style.

Suppose you want to apply common styles to different selectors, instead of writing rules separately you can write them in groups

/* grouping selector */
h2, h3 {
    color: orange;

Attribute Selector

It is used to select the elements with a specified attribute or attribute value.

/* attribute selector */
a[href] {
    color: brown;

Pseudo-class Selector

It is used to style a special type of state of any element.

Example: It is used to style an element when a mouse cursor hovers over it.

/* pseudo-class selector*/
a:link {
    color: yellow;

Pseudo-element Selector

It is used to style any specific part of the element.

Example- It is used to style the first letter or the first line of any element.

/* pseudo-element selector */
p::first-line {
    color: pink;

CSS Properties

CSS properties are the various attributes that you can use to style and format HTML elements on a web page.

Each property has a specific set of allowed values, and these properties control different aspects of an element's appearance or behavior.

Color Properties:

  • color: Sets the text color
  • background-color: Sets the background color

Text Properties:

  • font-family: Specifies the font
  • font-size: Sets the text size
  • font-weight: Controls text boldness
  • text-align: Aligns text (left, right, center, justify)

Box Model Properties:

  • width, height: Set element dimensions
  • margin: Controls space outside an element
  • border: Sets element borders

Layout Properties:

  • display: Specifies how an element should be displayed
  • position: Controls element positioning
  • float: Places an element to the left or right of its container

Flexbox Properties:

  • flex-direction: Sets the direction of flex items
  • justify-content: Aligns flex items along the main axis

Grid Properties:

  • grid-template-columns: Defines columns in a grid layout
  • grid-gap: Sets gaps between grid items